Multi-Cam Live Streaming
Whether it's a live sporting event, company announcement, product launch, trade conference, company awards dinner, music performance or on line lecture ... we have the solution.
Live streamed multi-camera event coverage was once only available if you had a big budget....not so now!
With new advances in technology and the reduction in equipment costs, we are now able to to film your event with multiple HD cameras, whilst vision mixing it live with branded corporate/team graphics and replays, outputting it onto your large projectors or LED screens whilst simultaneously streaming around the world via channels such as Facebook Live and Youtube.
We are proud and delighted to announce that following on from successful 2017, 2018 and 2019 seasons, we have again been selected by Yorkshire County Cricket club to provide live mixed multi-camera HD coverage and streaming of their County Championship and T20 matches throughout their 2020 campaign. With social distancing and restrictions on crowds at sporting events this has proved an invaluable way to maintain engagement with supporters and maintain valuable income streams with a number of T20 live streams gaining over 100K views.
County Game Streaming Highlights

June 2018 saw Barrass TV Crews help make a bit of cricket history as we were the main production company tasked with covering the Yorkshire v Surrey county championship game live from Scarborough. It was the first time a county championship game had been streamed live whilst being filmed with four HD cameras as opposed to the normal 2 fixed unmanned cameras.
With Sky Sports owning the broadcast rights, its agreement was essential and it waived its exclusivity to be joint broadcast partners with the two counties. This saw the game shown on Sky's digital platform as well as both county websites.
The project received very positive coverage in the national media including articles in the Guardian and Times newspapers. Numbers wise, we had 50,000 viewers over the four days, streamed nearly 21,000 hours collectively and 1,251,480 minutes. On average, people seemed to spend just over 15 minutes watching at any one time.
Our small affordable multi camera HD production facilities are perfect for many different events from sporting fixtures to awards dinners, music festivals and gigs to conferences and trade shows.
"I just wanted to say a massive thank you for everybody’s help and hard work on the stream this week.
To bring it all together in such a short space of time, and in a venue with a number of pretty serious logistical challenges, was a fantastic effort by all concerned.The coverage was first-class and fitting for such a historic fixture as Yorkshire v Surrey.", Jon Surtees, Head of Communications, Content and Community, Surrey County Cricket Club.